Where it all began

On a random day, most likely during winter break in middle school, I had the idea to take my parents' old digital camera from the office desk. I began by taking the most random photos around my house: pictures of my dogs, pictures of my sister, and pictures of random objects. I downloaded Instagram around this age and became quickly inspired by many photographers/photos, on the app. These were images and photography styles that differed significantly from what inspires me today. I began creating photos that resembled the work that I saw on social media, using apps to edit and add elements to the photos, as well as outdated filters. Let's take a comedic look at some of the photos I embarrassingly posted on Instagram! Pretty impressive for a middle schooler hahaha!

My first camera

One of my friends in middle/high school had a Canon DSLR camera, and I remembered being so jealous that she had her very own camera. I wanted one of my own, so bad! She let me take some photos on it, and I instantly fell in love. I officially asked for my own camera, Christmas of 2016. I was gifted a Canon Rebel T6i from my family, and used it for EVERYTHING! From nature, to animals, to people, and even fireworks, I experimented to find out what I liked photographing the best. It started out as a hobby and later grew into the business I have now. I would mainly use it during high school events, that was until I was asked to take senior photos of my friends, which allowed me to begin my love for capturing portraits.

Gaining experience

Word spread that I was increasing my photography efforts, capturing more pictures of people, and gaining valuable experience. This was such a pivotal point in my journey because it allowed me to gain a lot of the skills that I use today. I found it essential to use this stage as a way to grow my portfolio, which would lead to paid opportunities. In the beginning, I started by taking pictures of my friends and sister for free. As time passed and my skills improved, more people began requesting my photography services. I gradually introduced pricing, which I later increased as I invested in better equipment and honed my craft. Finally, in September 2020, I took my photography journey to the next level by launching my own photography Instagram account.

Camera Upgrade

After using my trusty Canon EOS Rebel T6i camera for quite awhile, I decided to upgrade to a Canon 5D mark iii. There was a noticeable difference in my work after upgrading equipment. I even bought a new 35mm 1.4 lens, which I still use to this day. So the combination of a great camera body, and an even better lens, led to beautiful photos that I was truly proud of. I also think the upgrade resulted in more bookings, which allowed me to save even more money, and reinvest in my business. Today, I use my mark iii as a backup camera, as well as a prop for my personal branding photos.

Camera Upgrade Pt 2

Noticing that the camera industry was beginning to shift from DSLR to mirrorless, I decided to upgrade, yet again, to a Canon R6 mark ii Mirrorless camera. When I tell you that it changed the game, IT CHANGED THE GAME!!!! The quality, the AF, the tracking... everything about it is incredible! It's amazing to me how much photography gear has changed over the years. Simply comparing my first camera, to the one I have now, makes me realize the perks of upgrading. I believe that you can create beautiful photos with any and all camera equipment, BUT I have found that (in my personal experience) professional equipment, results in professional work.

Today's business & moving forward

I have so many plans moving forward with my business! I am so proud of where it's at today, but I know God has so much more in store. With my recent website release, I hope more opportunities come my way. Creative photography is something I would love to continue pursuing. Education is something else that I’m passionate about, in attempt to help others who are learning the ins and outs of photography. Overall, it's the ability to make personal connections, create art, and capture memories, that makes photography a life-long passion of mine. I hope my story and work can inspire other creatives to do the same!! Much love to all of those who support me and my business, I couldn't do it without you!